Thursday, June 28, 2018

Name Gender Marketing Segmentation — New Age of Behavioral Marketing

Understanding consumer behaviors is what marketing is all about. Yet, 76% of brands aren’t using behavioral marketing as part of their strategies.

It’s a proven method worth looking into, especially with 50% of geo-targeted mobile ads performing better than non-targeted ad campaigns.

There are many ways you can target a prospect, such as by location, gender, and age.

The businesses that are successfully implementing behavioral marketing techniques quickly learn about the 80x20 rule. The rule states that 20% of your metrics will drive 80% of your revenue. This goes to show the power of data.

But only if you’re collecting, analyzing, and using it correctly. One way to use the data you collect is for gender marketing. Gender is a big deal if the products or services you offer sell different between males and females.

You can implement gender segmentation easier by using a list of names by gender.

Such a list can help you decipher who’s who in your own database. You can find a comprehensive one at You pay only a one-time fee to download the gender guesser list. Then you implement it into your own database.

It’s yours forever and the accuracy is higher than any other list of genders by name. With it, you can begin segmenting your email campaigns based on who you’re targeting. No more guessing whether a customer or prospect is a male or female.

Stop by to get more information about setting up your gender names database today.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Name Gender Marketing – Data Append Solution that You Own and Leverage

The data you collect from your customers and prospects are key to building successful marketing strategies. And it’s not just email that requires you to know details about your leads – you need it across all of your digital campaigns.

This includes your social media marketing, content marketing, and PPC ads. But what’s the role of gender marketing? If you’re segmenting each of your campaigns based on buyer behavior, then gender is everything. And knowing the gender of first name customers is key.

There are a lot of companies that provide data and append services, which sounds great at first glance. It gives you information about customers’ ages, locations, and gender. But much of the data is inaccurate or invalid.

How serious is this? Well, the average annual cost for bad data sits somewhere around $8.8 million. Not only are you wasting money on a poor service, but you’re campaigns are going down the drain, costing you even more revenue.

But there is another option – creating your own gender checker database. Rather than guessing the gender of names, you can use your database to crosscheck based on name data collected from all the major English-speaking countries.

Where can you get this gender guesser database? From All you have to do is download the list of names by gender into your database of customers and prospects. And you’ll own the list forever after paying a one-top fee.

What’s even better is you’re paying a fraction of the cost for a product that actually works. Stop by today to find out more. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Turning Consumer Names into Profits — Marketing Segmentation that Works for Every Business

This article is brought to you by leading provider of DIY data enhancement, data append and data research solutions. 
Creating buyer personas for your business is key to developing a successful campaign. This holds true whether you’re building campaigns around PPC ads, content, or email.
A part of understanding your customer is knowing their gender. With gender marketing, you’re able to dissect your campaigns into segments that are geared towards the right audience. Treating your customers and prospects the same, whether male or female, is a big mistake.
It’s a fact that women and men have different buyer journeys. If you’re able to collect data about their age, profession, and parental status, and you can develop a winning strategy that eases them through this journey.
Here’s an example of how you can use gender marketing analytics to create a winning strategy. Say you have a company like Weight Watchers that has a 90% female customer base. If you wanted to attract more men, you could run a campaign of ads and content geared specifically towards them.
Then you can use a gender marketing database to see if you’re campaign to attract more men is working. The importance of having a first name gender database is to check the names of your customers.
You can use this for subscribers, as well as those who make purchases for your service or product. Without it, you’d have to ask your prospects probing questions, such as their gender, which can turn them off and away from your site.
If you’re considering using a name gender database for your marketing campaigns, then be sure to check out to set yours up today!