Sunday, October 29, 2017

How Are Gender Roles Changing?

We know of all the different details we can collect about consumers based on analytics data we gather. But why hone in on the gender tidbit?

Maybe because gender is no longer just an identifier of your physical sex. And it’s likely because we’re finally seeing the psychology behind marketing to these sets of people.

Gender Roles Changing

Even Facebook has found gender to be of importance. This is why it now offers 71 options for gender. Plus, it has a gender option, so people can identify themselves how they want to on their platform. But that’s just political correctness.

Needless to say, it’s a very smart move. It’s very important that as a business, you roll with the changes society throws. Otherwise, your brand could end up being placed on the back burner by consumers.

Now, although we are witnessing changing gender roles and how we market to these individuals, we still have to take gender into account. Otherwise, your marketing campaigns aren’t going to be as effective.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Why Should Marketing Segmentation Matter to You?

Now, there are multiple reasons why marketing segmentation is important in every industry. In most cases, you have more than one type of customer. And it’s very likely you attract both male and female clientele.

After all, there are women working in just about every industry these days. And more women are taking the role as the one who makes purchasing decisions for the household. So having the ability to attract and appeal to both markets is essential.

Why Should Marketing Segmentation Matter to You

But to put it for you plainly, here is a quick list of the benefits gender marketing can offer your business:

1. Precise audience targeting
2. Better understanding of consumers
3. Increased conversion rates
4. Improved customer outreach