Friday, February 24, 2017

Importance of Gender Marketing Segmentation for SaaS and Online Retail

Prejudices about "women and shopping" is common for the men dominated society: women spend more money, women buy longer, women can not decide what to buy. These ugly stereotypes, if neutralized to the smallest common denominator, would say: "Women buy gladly." At the same time the study from MIT reveals that in the recent years women’s hadn’t been leveraged to the full potential as a result of online retailers not emphasizing enough the importance of gender marketing segmentation.

E-Commerce for Women: The Small Difference

To begin with, one must note that women perceive their environment more peripherally than men, whose perceptiveness is more focused on one point. The female perception is somewhat more in the whole, the environment and the “whole” play a larger role. For instance, when men shop - they tend to buy a single product and focus on it. At the same time, woman perceive the environment in which this product is placed - the decorations around the product, smells and much more. The perception psychology as well as the evolutionary biology also deal with the differences in the perceptiveness of man and woman:  women listen better, react more sensitive to taste and take the world in warmer colors . The peripheral perception of women plays a special role for the e-commerce sector as it collides with the existing e-commerce concepts: search functions, hierarchical product categories and many others that currently determine everyday life in the online shops.

Name Gender Database

Data To Demonstrate The Buying Power Behind Gender Segmentation:

1. Preferred shopping times: women tend to be from 12.00 to 1PM, men from 7 pm to 8 pm
2. Average order size across women buyers is $51.84 and $67.82 across men
3. Average purchase time: women tend to spend 14 minutes while men 10 minutes.
4. Page layout:  Women prefer "long” product descriptions, additional research, insights and etc while men prefer short and structured

name gender guesser

How to Leverage Gender Marketing Segmentation for SaaS:

Study shows that including gender segmentation as part of the marketing strategy can increase your email open rates by over 25%, conversion rates by over 30%, click through rates by over 25% and retargeting rates by over 40%. Gender marketing segmentation is one of the easiest and yet under-utilized segmentations that marketers very often forget to leverage. The easiest way to get started is to download list of first names by gender from and match their list against your own database by first name. consolidated by far the largest name-gender list available for marketers. NameGenderPro’s database includes over 177k unique first names by gender (names by female and unisex) collected from publically available data sources such as US Census, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand Census as well as social media. Once you download list from you can start analyzing your data and coming up with gender marketing strategy that suits your company’s objectives in less than 10 minutes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Psychology of Gender Marketing - The Most Powerful Marketing Segmentation Solution

In the recent year’s gender marketing analytics (or as many call it “list of names with gender”) is finally becoming a mainstream marketing tool after being an underdog and the most overlooked marketing metric for generations. Marketers across all industries continued creating genderless campaigns targeting “genderless customers”. Instead of using the science of gender psychology to advance marketing objectives (and ultimately grow the bottom line revenue), marketers completely ignored the difference between buying behaviour of men and women.

It's important to remember that the aim of gender marketing is to integrate the different needs of men and women into the development, distribution, pricing and communication of products and services. Supporters of gender-specific marketing consider this necessary because they believe there are significant differences between men and women as they articulate consumer wishes, make purchasing decisions and evaluate products.

male or female names

The Female Brain:

The female focus is on the stimulatory and balance system, with the brain areas responsible for attachment, caring and social behavior almost twice the size of men. In addition, we shouldn't forget the female hormone "estrogen" that responsible for softness and gentleness of human behaviour. In addition, nerve messenger Oxytocin is the most important driver for the care module and is also referred to as the "cuddle hormone".

The Male Brain:

The male focus, on the other hand, is in the domain of the dominance system, where the areas of the brain that are responsible for dominance and aggression have twice the size of men as in women. The most important driver for the dominance system is the hormone "testosterone".

What Does This Mean For Marketers?

For marketing, this means that sales and product documentation for men and women should be presented differently. Therefore, while men tend to prefer "hard facts" because of testosterone, women tend to prefer open and imaginative product descriptions.

Women also show a much greater interest in "nest building" and in topics that are related to setting up and living. This is not only because of the female hormones, but also because of the more pronounced brain areas responsible for attachment, care and social behaviour. There is also a greater interest in products that stimulate the imagination or products that provide care and security. Men, on the other hand, primarily love technical products that are predictable and with which they have a certain status as well as power. These include, for example, cars, machines or other technical devices.

Gender Marketing

Due to the estrogen, which stands for softness and gentleness, women prefer soft and round product forms. Men, on the other hand, are square, straightforward and practical. When it comes to the right language and argumentation style of a product, it should be taken into account that women use a lot more words than men and those they have a much softer and softer sound. Men, on the other hand, are short and narrow, with the most important hard facts. The different emphases of the emotion systems must also be considered.

How to find out if gender marketing segmentation can help your business to grow?

There are many tools and techniques that marketers can use these days to start using gender marketing. The easiest way to start is using a list of names by gender (gender checker) from collected over 177k first name brokend down by male names, female names and unisex names. This list includes data from the most reliable official data sources such as US Census, Australia, Canada, UK and other English speaking countries. also scrapped social media sites, such as Facebook, to capture all the nuances of names gender.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Power of Gender Segmentation That Will Supercharge Email Marketing

Companies that using gender segmentation in email marketing are increasing their open rates by over 25%, conversion rates by over 50% and revenue by over 60%. When gender segmentation is done right – it can do wonders for your business numbers.

Email marketing requires a strategy that accounts for many different factors that help to personalize the content based on user’s demographics, acquisition channel, login history and other. Most marketers look at typical data such as geo location, previous order history, acquisition channel. However gender marketing segmentation is being frequently overlooked.

The data reveals that men and women not only react differently to the same content (which explains difference in conversion rates) but also consuming this content at different time of the day, different day of the week, for different periods of time. These differences should be analysed to and used to improve marketing campaigns and empower better segmentation.

Power of Gender Segmentation

Few interesting characteristics to demonstrate difference in male and female email consumption behaviours are:

1.  Men tend to open their email between 4AM and 12PM, while women, on the other hand, tend to check their email throughout the day, between 10AM and 9PM
2.  The data shows that men open their emails more frequently than women
3. 66% present of women open up majority of their emails once per day, compared to 57 present of men
4. Men are more likely to open over the weekend while Women are checking their email more frequently during the week

There are many different tools that will help to determine gender of your list. One of the easiest and most reliable is list of names by gender provided by NameGenderPro collected over 177k first names categorized by gender from official data sources such as US Census, UK Census, Australia, Canada and etc. They have the largest available name gender list that you can own for a reasonable price that starts at $74. One you download the list (which is essentially a csv file with Name and Gender columns) you can cross check this list against your own database and start gender segmentation in less than 10 minutes.