Sunday, May 20, 2018

Businesses Have an AHA! Moment: Forgotten Power of Gender Based Marketing

Prejudices about "women and shopping" is common for the men dominated society: women spend more money, women buy longer, women can not decide what to buy. These ugly stereotypes, if neutralized to the smallest common denominator, would say: "Women buy gladly." At the same time the study from MIT reveals that in the recent years women’s hadn’t been leveraged to the full potential as a result of online retailers not emphasizing enough the importance of gender marketing segmentation.

E-commerce for women: the small difference
To begin with, one must note that women perceive their environment more peripherally than men, whose perceptiveness is more focused on one point. The female perception is somewhat more in the whole, the environment and the “whole” play a larger role. For instance, when men shop - they tend to buy a single product and focus on it. At the same time, woman perceive the environment in which this product is placed - the decorations around the product, smells and much more. The perception psychology as well as the evolutionary biology also deal with the differences in the perceptiveness of man and woman:  women listen better, react more sensitive to taste and take the world in warmer colors . The peripheral perception of women plays a special role for the e-commerce sector as it collides with the existing e-commerce concepts: search functions, hierarchical product categories and many others that currently determine everyday life in the online shops.

Data to demonstrate the buying power behind gender segmentation
  • Preferred shopping times: women tend to be from 12.00 to 1PM, men from 7 pm to 8 pm
  • Average order size across women buyers is $51.84 and $67.82 across men
  • Average purchase time: women tend to spend 14 minutes while men 10 minutes.
  • Page layout:  Women prefer "long” product descriptions, additional research, insights and etc while men prefer short and structured

How to leverage gender marketing segmentation for Saas
Study shows that including gender segmentation as part of the marketing strategy can increase your email open rates by over 25%, conversion rates by over 30%, click through rates by over 25% and retargeting rates by over 40%. Gender marketing segmentation is one of the easiest and yet under-utilized segmentations that marketers very often forget to leverage. The easiest way to get started is to download list of first names by gender from and match their list against your own database by first name. consolidated by far the largest name-gender list available for marketers. NameGenderPro’s database includes over 177k unique first names by gender (names by female and unisex) collected from publically available data sources such as US Census, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand Census as well as social media. Once you download list from you can start analyzing your data and coming up with gender marketing strategy that suits your company’s objectives in less than 10 minutes.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How Knowing the First Name of Your Customers Can Boost Your Revenue by 50%

The single goal of every business is to increase revenue. The key to achieving this goal it to boost conversion rates. Only with the right techniques is this made possible. Gender marketing is a commonly overlooked tool that can enhance campaigns and customer buying journeys. The issue is most businesses (especially in the SaaS industry) have no segmentation based on gender. They are using the same emails, newsletters and landing pages for both sexes.

But how can you really know which customers are male and female? With a gender marketing database, like Name Gender Pro, you can find out the gender of names in your own database. This is done by matching the hundreds of thousands of names collected from around the world.

Once you know the gender of firstname, you can segment your customers into male and female campaigns. This can also work if you already have segments based on other criteria, making them even more personalized.

In order to see a difference in your conversions and revenue, you need to test out your campaigns. You can use gender marketing analytics to help determine which are working and why.

It’s essential to know how to design a campaign for women vs. men. For instance, you’ll find that:

    #   Women like longer product descriptions with insights and research – men don’t.
    #   Women tend to shop between noon and 1pm, while men shop between 7pm and 8pm.
    #   It takes women 14 minutes to make a purchase, while it takes men 10 minutes.

Small facts like these are game changers, but only if you’re using them to your advantage. Consider ordering Name Gender Pro to get started segmenting your campaigns and watch your revenue grow!